Need EVIDENCE of the
Overthrow of America?

Well, HERE It Is ..


1. General Breakdowns In / Complaints About American Society

• Electronic voting machines (versus paper ballots) are subject to VAST mis-counting & outright election fraud.

• The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) infiltrating nearly all major institutions in America & Arizona.

• Allowing Communo-Fascist / Collectivist Ideologies to infiltrate America, eroding the Constitutional Republic.

• Trade Deals giving Aid & Comfort to CCP, who OPENLY declared “non-kinetic” WAR on America in 1999.

• Public Officials openly praising & inviting such trade deals, as in “Trading with the Enemy,” a potential crime.

• Giving Aid & Comfort to ANTIFA, BLM, Taliban, ISIS, & others bent on destroying “The Great Satan” (U.S.).
Tragically, using certain criteria, the “government” of the United States (NOT the country itself nor most of The People) DOES fit the description of “Great Satan.” … The “United States” is Now the OPPOSITE of “America.”

• Public “servants” profiting off such trade deals at GREAT monetary & social expense to The People of America.

Gross Erosion of the Constitutional Guarantee of a Constitutional Republic by allowing in foreign law & ideologies,
including post- or Neo-Marxist & (closely related) Neo-Nazi Fascism at highest levels plus elements of Sharia Law.

• Selective Prosecution, Elimination of “Innocent until proven Guilty,” loss of “Equal Protection” under the Law,
with astonishing degree of erosion of Rights & Freedoms in general.

• Implementation of “Smart City” ideas/technologies (United Nations Agenda (2021/30 + Internet of Things) for CONSTANT PEOPLE CONTROL by all pervasive monitoring via High Tech & Centralized, Technocracy.

• Non-Sensical, Anti-Factual, Anti-Science allegations of Carbon Dioxide as a “toxic poison” & “reducing carbon footprints,” near bankrupting or destroying any state or nation attempting to abide by such anti-human actions.

Unrestricted Migration / Invasion of southern border leading to dissolution of American Culture (Balkanization), diminishing will & ability of The People to resist foreign or domestic take over & loss of rights & freedoms. Such immigrant & intellectual invasions have ALREADY deprived many Americans of such cultural self-knowledge.

• Large numbers of public “servants” at ALL levels of government NOT FOLLOWING THEIR OATH OF OFFICE & lawfully sworn promise to protect Americans from enemies, foreign & domestic, is rampant & pervasive. Yet NO pen-alties are imposed on them. … FBI & DOJ have been taken over by post-Marxist / Maoist infiltrators / seditionists.

• Installation of a “president,” by VERY dubious means, and who is in less than a year making ALL of the above and below problems FAR worse:

• Biden Admin is breaking laws because the Executive Branch is supposed to protect America from invasion. The Southern Border has reopened under the Biden Regime, allowing large number of illegal aliens to enter the U.S.

• While many might be legitimate, some significant portion of illegal aliens are carrying disease, drugs, are engaged in human trafficking, and other criminal elements are entering the U.S. indiscriminately. We The People want LEGAL immigration of people who go through the Naturalization & Assimilation process.

• Alien Invasion & other policies advocated by Far Left Progressives & U.N. support the Cloward-Piven Strategy, OPENLY designed, with leftist public support (see below), to “sabotage and destroy the [U.S.] welfare system,” creating chaos among the poor who would revolt, making great demands on government and general public.

• Biden Admin cancelled Keystone Pipeline, ending approx. fifty thousands of American Workers’ jobs, AND, with other reversals of policy, is reversing newly found U.S. Energy Independence. This leads to much higher energy costs, vast shortages, & more potential international resource conflicts leading to military interventions.

• Biden’s DOJ appears to be treating parents protesting radical teachings in schools as “terrorists.”

• Biden Admin commanded a U.S. Military retreat from Afghanistan with disastrous consequences:

1. Hundreds, possibly thousands of U.S. Citizens working for the U.S. government were left stranded in now hostile Kabul, Afghanistan and are at great risk of harm or death at the hands of the Taliban and others.

2. 13 U.S. soldiers (and many others) needlessly killed or maimed by Taliban terrorists during evacuations.

3. Civilian attempts to secure airplanes to evacuate American Citizens from Afghanistan were stopped by the U.S. State Department. This lends credence to (but NOT proof) to the idea that these citizens were intentionally left behind to serve as hostages for the benefit of the Taliban and Chinese CCP.

4. Thousands of “Afghan Nationals” were brought to U.S. … The negative results, such as 700 of them disap-pearing without a trace, leading to suspicions they were INTENTIONALLY brought here to further the Far Left Progressive’s multi-decade plan (i.e., Cloward & Piven Strategy) to destabilize life in America.

5. $83 billion (approximately) of advanced military equipment was left in Afghanistan. This equipment will be used by the Taliban and other parties for their military ambitions in the Middle East. Chinese (and possibly Russian) military & engineers are reportedly already in process of reverse engineering said equipment, giv-ing the Chinese greater access to control of Middle East & further securing their Belt & Road initiative to gain economic power & control over trade & influence across Eastern Europe, Middle East and Asia.

6. Bagram Air Base, one of the largest in the world (originally built by Russia), costing millions of U.S. dollars to upgrade, will now be available to Chinese & Soviet military and regional strategic operations.

7. Vast mineral deposits of Rare Earth Minerals, especially lithium, are in Afghanistan. Chinese / Taliban Alli-ances give CCP huge economic, strategic & military advantages over the United States in part due to the many decade-long sellout by U.S. politicians to build up Chinese Power & Wealth at expense of America & Ameri-can Citizens. The “kinder, gentler China” theory promoted by early Pro-China Advocates was an OBVIOUS fairy tale from start. The U.S. has become more like China’s Communists rather than the other way around.

Map of Afghanistan of where the Minerals are: Make America GREAT Again

MAP of Locations of the Strategic Minerals in Afghanistan

8. Such Biden Admin actions in Afghanistan now give the Rare Earth mineral lithium near monopoly to the Chinese / CCP, critical to battery technology & manufacture. Given the Biden Admin is backing wholly irrational & dangerous (on many counts) elimination of fossil fuels & switching (allegedly) to an all elect–ric economy, and that all electric requires massive battery storage, the CCP (which controls most if not all business in China) now have major strategic advantages over the U.S. as China makes most of the batteries! … This in great part because U.S. politicians & bureaucrats, as well as many corporate business entities, have over many decades intentionally transferred vast amounts of capital, technology & manufacturing over to CCP controlled China, to extreme detriment of American Citizens & Workers and U.S. Security.

9. The idea that the above points were due to Biden’s “incompetence” is beyond any rational or honest analy-sis. This was very likely a PREMEDITATED & PLANNED operation designed to continue U.S. transfers of power & production over the to the CCP. (This is an extensive subject & discussed further below.)

10. COVID-19, a highly modified “virus” re-engineered first in a North Carolina BSL-4 Bio-weapon labora-tory facility, then transferred to a Wuhan China lab, became the excuse to “shut down America,” and Lock Down Americans. MUCH damage has occurred as the result. Anthony Fauci appears to be a major facilitator of this entire debacle.

11. JUST TWO results of the COVID scare are: Severe Labor Shortages of workers staying home. Another is & will be the breakdown of Supply Chains for food & other necessities, leading to a lot of problems.

Forcing Political Change Through
Multiple Orchestrated Crises

Do You Ever Wonder Why So Many Democrat Run Cities are in Such Bad Shape?

Statistics show of the 20 largest cities with significant problems — homeless, crime, garbage, bad sanita-tion, run down or ruined infrastructure — 17 of those cities have been run by Democrats for a long time.

One Reason for this is described here …

“First proposed in 1966 and named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and his wife Frances Fox Piven (both longtime members of the Democratic Socialists of America, where Piven today is an honorary chair), the “Cloward-Piven Strategy” seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis & economic collapse.” [Emphasis added ~ DSL]

~ Wikipedia

“In their 1966 article, Cloward and Piven charged that the ruling classes used welfare to weaken the poor; that by providing a social safety net, the rich doused the fires of rebellion. Poor people can advance only when “the rest of society is afraid of them,” Cloward told The New York Times on September 27, 1970. Rather than placat-ing the poor with government hand-outs, wrote Cloward and Piven, activists should work to sabotage and de-stroy the welfare system; the collapse of the welfare state would ignite a political and financial crisis that would rock the nation; poor people would rise in revolt; only then would “the rest of society” accept their demands.”


Cities like San Francisco, where you can get a smartphone app to tell you where the days human feces dumps are all over the city, are not concerned about the welfare of the poor or elderly. If they were, they would not be pushing through such obviously non-workable “solutions.”

Neo-Marxist Revolutionaries see “The People” as Useless Eaters, or Cattle, or Muscle Power for the factories. Violence, destruction, even death are fine with them. And if some people have to live in squalor, or some people have to get injured or die to push forth the Neo-Marxist, Maoist Revolution, so be it.