Religion in
American Politics
This is a Response I wrote on Facebook to a friend commenting on a video I posted:
Well, Charles, true at one level. But …
For just ONE example, America, by way of the Christian preachers on pulpits for DECADES before the American Revolution, was in GREAT part based on the idea that ALL Human Rights, including Rights To Life, Liberty, Property, Freedom, Speech and so on, came from a Higher Power, a power they referred to as “God.” (Or in pre-Biblical times, “El,” the precursor to Elohim.) But El (God) was defined as [more-or-less] “The Power behind all things.”
God was NOT a he, a she, or even an “it.” (“Do not worship Me [God] as you would wood or stones …” ~ Paraphrased Bible Quote, Deuteronomy 4:28, OT.) …
MORE importantly, the idea was those Rights came NOT from some Earthly Being(s), but from a (the?) non-Earthly Higher Power. Because if it is humankind that gives us those Rights, then it is humankind that can take them away. And The Early Powers That Be have always been able to manipulate the Gullible People into believing that somehow, someway, “The Majority” is the “Higher Power” that can determine the fate of some or all The People.
So if the Powers That Be can make it LOOK like “the majority” believe something is right or true, then they win. “They” being the power brokers who bamboozled The People into the collectivist mindset believing that “The Majority” indicates the Will and Benefit of “The People.”
To my knowledge, Christianity, built upon the Ancient Hebrew (Old Testament) religion, is the MOST overtly and aggressively ANTI-Earthly-Authoritarian philosophy that’s against the individuals of humankind being ruled by OTHER humans. THIS is why the Powers That Be have worked so hard to discredit religion in general and Christianity in specific. Because Christianity, if followed, would have LONG ago RID the world of Kings, Pharaohs or Emperors and their Royal Courts (or Presidents with Legislatures).
(But notice, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, etc, are NOT fought against the way Christiainity is. In part because those other religions are no where NEAR the threat Christianity is.)
But, “We The People” are STILL addicted to the Authoritarian Paradigm, still BEGGING for a Mommy & Daddy to take care of us, so we keep rationalizing why we need these (increasingly) Authoritarian “Congress Critters” with a President to “take care of us” and our affairs.
So, personally, with whatever faults Christianity — religion — might have, I’d MUCH rather live in THAT world than the one our current national religion, overtly Marxist and directly controlled by the Communist Manifesto, is being run by.
I’m generalizing here of course, but I’ve lived in close proximity to both extreme Right wingers and pretty far Leftists. Remembering that NAZIs are actually BY DEFINITION residents of the LEFT Wing, I find the right wingers far more pleasant & peaceful people to live with on an ongoing basis. … If right wingers don’t like you, they tend to just ignore you. If leftists don’t like you, they’ll try to pass a law against your very existence!
[And its the LEFT wing that started almost ALL of the wars of the 20th Century, especially the BIG ones!]
Here’s the video that launched this discussion and my Comment on it …
The Q ANON Phenomenon EXPOSED??? … I’m not sure of entire truth here, but Isaac Green has a LOT of credibility. And the Q phenomena got me suspicious when “they” (or he / she) started saying certain suspicious things. So I stopped paying attention to Q many months ago. … It WAS, admittedly, a hopeful message. But it does NOT look real at this point. It could have been a sophisticated prank. OR, maybe it was a counter-insurgency by statist operators?